Thursday, June 19, 2008

"I AM" Lesson 12

Burning Questions

1. We discussed how we are God's fame and He is ours. Have you ever been in a situation where you are applauded for your ministry and had to fight back the idol of pride? Ever been tempted to believe your own press? It's okay to admit it! Your testimony will help others in their resolve!

Yes and this is a good reminder that I can do nothing in my own strength. That I need to believe in myself, but know that it is because of God that I can do what I can do.

2. Did it ever occur to you in the 3-way drama of God, Job, and Satan that Satan was the only one outside the loop as far as Job's reactions would be? Does this encourage you in resolving to make a fool of him when he attempts to use you to defame the Name?

Yes It does incourage me and give me strength. Why is it so easy to limit what God and will do through and for us?

3. Are you in a situation now where you feel you are being overcome? Better yet, are you in a situation where you should have been overcome but are not?

I have gone through a couple of Big situations where Satan tried to come and over take me and God pulled me victoriously through it.

4. Have you failed in a Satan-designed trial? Can you recognize God intends for this failure to refine and resolve you for next time? God is not out for your destruction but your perfection!

Oh yeah now that I have overcome fear and insecurity, I see so many setups that I failed and got sucked into that God wanted me to face and be a refined stronger person. It is also easier for me to see when they're comming at me, and even though it is still sometimes hard to stand up to those situations and trials, I now do know God is right there helping me through. Today you see a strong, bold woman of God that takes charge and gets it done, if you only knew what a beat down scared little girl I was for too many years. To God Be all the glory.

5. Can you describe yourself as a Wonders Junkie? Found yourself in spiritual highs and lows depending on whether you perceived God was doing wondrous things or not?

Yes when I was going through the trials, I would have those ups and downs. Glory to God things are good and then the next day why God why. It's that trap of thinking that something from God has to be a Billboard with fireworks, or it must not have been Him. I also have done that when I wanted an answer or when I thought He was asking me to do something. "God if that's really you, light up the sky in 30 seconds" :) You know what I mean?

6. Have you ever been like Philip and had God right in your face and not recognized Him?

Oh yeah! I think we all have (See answer 5) God is that you?

7. Journal a brief prayer asking God for His Glory. Let it be the thing we all desire above all else.....

Father God
Thank you for what you have done in my life and the boldness I now have because of you. As I continue in whatever you have for me each day, help me to always give you the glory for what you have and are doing in my life. Let me be light that draws people to you, let them see your glory in me so that they want what I have. Help me to always stay focused on you. In Jesus Name I Pray, Amen

Thanks Lisa,

Be Blessed


Lisa @ The Preacher's Wife said...

"God if that's really you, light up the sky in 30 seconds"

lol...wish i had a nickel for every time i've looked for a 'sign'...

Lisa @ The Preacher's Wife said...

"God if that's really you, light up the sky in 30 seconds"

lol...wish i had a nickel for every time i've looked for a 'sign'...