Saturday, January 31, 2009

Study With Me - Chapter 25 The Finale

Hi Everyone-
Well we are here - at the end of the book and at the beginning of a new mindset for living. As we have gone through this book I hope you have taken the time to let God's truths sink in and take residence in your heart. There is a lot of powerful information in here and in the future you may want to read this book again. As I stated in the last chapter, I have gained even more from reading it over. Again I want to thank all who have studied with me now and in the future, I hope any and all of what God has placed in my heart to share here blesses you in some way.

If you have come here for the first time - this is my last post of the "Study with Me" series I have been doing using Joyce Meyer's book "Battlefield of the Mind". Please click the button on my side bar to start at the beginning or feel free to read and comment on any of the chapters along the way.

Chapter 25 - Wilderness Mentality #10
"I'm going to do it my way or not at all."
There are so many things I want to say here. First and most important, I have learned that if it is not God's way it's not the right way. Now to say I practice that 100% of the time would be a lie, but I do know it. :) My husband uses a term called "unteachable" and when I very first heard him use it I didn't understand what he meant. I thought anybody can be taught. But what he meant was there are people that are so caught up in doing things their own way that you can't teach them any other way. Essentially they are "Know it alls". God has shown me that when we think we can do everything or anything without Him, it's a matter of pride. God has also given me the illustration that when we act on our own without consulting Him, we are saying our way is better than His, that we know more than Him. We know more than God, ouch, I don't think so.
God recently gave me a picture of something that is so big, I want to share with you. God shared with me that we need to look at a bigger picture than ourselves and our world. See each one of us were put here with a purpose, that's why we have desires and strong feelings about certain things, it's because He placed those desires in us. We have a responsibility to up hold what Jesus did for us on the cross. He died so we would be set free, healed and have eternal life. So here is part of what God was showing me. Jesus bought something for me. When I don't operate in the peace and healing that Jesus bought for me, it's like a slap in His face. He gave His life for mine and I won't accept it. And why won't I accept His gift, because "It's too hard" or "I'm content where I'm at" or because "I want to do it my way. "
The other part that God showed me it that "It's NOT all about Me" and how I feel. As a christian, like it or not, the life I live is a witness to others of my God. If I am living a broken down, sick, poverty stricken life, what does that speak of my God. Who wants a God of the barely getting by. Who wants a God that leaves you sick, and crippled. Who wants a God that lets you be tormented in your mind. He gave the gift, we need to accept (receive) it.
Isaiah 53:5 But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities; The chastisement for our peace was upon Him, And by His stripes we are healed. (NKJV)
John 14:27 Peace I leave with you; My [own] peace I now give and bequeath to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid. [Stop allowing yourselves to be agitated and disturbed; and do not permit yourselves to be fearful and intimidated and cowardly and unsettled.]
28You heard Me tell you, I am going away and I am coming [back] to you. If you [really] loved Me, you would have been glad, because I am going to the Father; for the Father is greater and mightier than I am.
29And now I have told you [this] before it occurs, so that when it does take place you may believe and have faith in and rely on Me. (Amp)
I guess at this point the only point left that I can share with you is - I've done it my way and I've done it God's way. God's way is better! I am not perfect and will always be a work in progress, we all should be. God will continue to grow me as long as I am on this earth and submitting to His will and not my own. Seek God and His word in ALL that you do and you will always succeed.
Father God,
Thank you for guiding me on this journey. Thank you for all the wisdom you have shared with me and others as we have dug into our word.
In Jesus' Name,
Until Next time,
Blessings my Friends,

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