Monday, September 15, 2008

Study With Me - Part 2 - Intro and Chapter 8

Hello Everyone,

I hope everyone is doing well. I have some general news to catch you up on and then I will post the study. First of all I will be on vacation starting Tuesday (I did a post on my other Blog please check it out) But I will have my computer and free time to check blogs and post new lessons. Possibly more time to do so than now. Secondly I will come home from that vacation and go to Joyce Meyers Women's Conference in St. Louis MO. Now here are some big things and growths for me. The old me would not have ventured out on her own to go 1/2 across the USA to do this. I have never been this far East before. The only other thing that I have done like this is when my daughter was 9 I flew to CA and took her to Disney Land, met up with friends of ours for two days and then one day on our own. Now I will be meeting up with a friend, but when I started this journey it was on my own, I didn't know my friend would want to come. Third- if any of you reading this will be there, I would love to meet you. Okay enough about that lets say a prayer and do some highlights from Part 2 Intro and Chapter 8.

Father God, I praise you and thank you for all you are teaching us. I thank you for the growth that we are getting by the renewing of our minds. Help us to be strong and determined as we face the strongholds that have held us back. Lead us, guide us, direct us and correct us.
In Jesus Precious Name, Amen.

Conditions of the Mind and When is my Mind Normal?
I've often heard that everything is relative to what it is compared to. So if that is the case, when we ask the question "When is my mind Normal?" It would depend on what you are comparing it to. If you are often worried, anxious, depressed, or angry, then you could say that is "normal" for you to be like that. But if you are comparing your mind and thoughts to Gods word and wanting to renew your mind, it would not be normal for you to have those thoughts.
God wants us to be happy and free. He has a job for us here on earth and we will have a very difficult time doing it if we can't get over ourselves. (Oh I say that so big after having a pity party the other day-opps did I just tell on myself, oh well) But it's true. I have heard Pastors say so many times when asked "How do you do all this, and travel and raise a family?" And they answer, "I just don't focus on it." I've been having some real challenges lately with some dead lines and right before vacation too. So I have been really trying to lean on God and not focus on the mountain, just take one step at a time. I have actually said to myself, don't focus on that. :)
When I have a lot on my plate and things I need to get done, I will make "mental notes" which I have now started referring to as a "Post-it note for the brain". But the Lord was showing me as I went over this chapter. That my over flowing lists of things to do, (that are always way too long) doesn't always give him a place to be heard. The quiet calm mind, can receive incoming messages, new revelations.
In this fast paced world, with so many things to do, places to go and people to see, it is easy to keep our minds very stimulated. And if we aren't keeping it busy, the Devil does his best to fill it with lies and confusion.
As we have learned in our other chapters, we need to watch what we think about, break down strong holds and mind binding spirits and progress will come little by little.
In the next few days, purposely work at spending a few moments or minutes each day or several times a day, clearing your mind to hear from God.
I will post again shortly - God's going on vacation with me. :)
Be Blessed my Friends,


debrah said...

lynn - how exciting to be willing to venture out on your own and God provides a friend to travel with you on your adventures...
I will work on purposely seeking to hear from God...I always think I am doing this but I don't often hear while I am being still...but I do often hear sometime after that quiet time...I believe no matter when the actual hearing comes it does come as a result of the quiet time seeking God...
What's normal or what would normal people do, how would a normal person respond are questions I have often asked myself and others...only one response actually was helpful to I have to responses that are helpful...the first response was particular to a certain circumstance and the response was if this is hurting you what does it matter how a "normal" person would're hurting...the second response is one that I can always lean on...normal is when your mind/thoughts line up with God's mind/thoughts/His word...
Enjoy your vacation and adventures in growth...
In His Love,

Lynn - JnL4God said...

Thank you so much for your faithfulness to God and to your blog friends.
Love and Hugs to you,

SKY4KAT said...

Good for you to stretch yourself and travel alone. It helps us to grow and prepares us for other things that we have no idea about :>) yet!
I loved your post its for the brain. Isn't that the truth but mine always find their way to paper cos as you said there are too many of them.
The still small voice is often difficult to hear with all the mental garbage that I have banging around. Even thought I do not have a prayer language or speak in tongues sometimes I will quietly pray none syllable words/phrases when I don't know what to pray. For me this has helped to still my fleshy part of my brain that tries to fix and figure out everything. I think of it like the verse where the holy spirit intercedes with groans.
Relax and enjoy your time away and with God.

Sallye said...


Have fun with Joyce, and enjoy this time of traveling alone. You will not believe the people God will put in your path that you would not have time to pay attention to if you were traveling with someone.

I am a type a person and a control freak (in recovery). But I am not a worrier, not is that a conflict or what? I am a dreamer and a wisher, and when my dream does not match my reality, I do not deal well. I know that God allows things in our lives to grow us and change us. Growth is in the valley not on the mountain top. All this to say, I am discovering through this study, that my mind is in a lot better shape than I thought it was. How did I get here? I learned through trial and erro to trust God with the small things, so that there would not be big things, and it eases my mind when I can say I don't have to carry that because God is.


Karen said...

So Lynn,

You have already left, and I just got back from two weeks of traveling to the East Coast for work. I truly hope you have a restful and renewing vacation time and that the conference you are going to provides much food for your spirit! May God be with you during your travels!

Your post on all the thoughts and activities that pile up and don't leave us room to hear God really spoke to me as did Katrina's suggestion to quietly pray non-syllable words or phases throughout the day. I had a good friend who called these prayers "breath payers" and she prayed them every day.

I have recently been schooling myself to pray "visual prayers" during my prayer time, which for me is at night just before I sleep. At our church's women's retreat, we discussed this type of prayer and it does take practice, but if you are visual person, it is very powerful. I close my eyes and imagine myself in the presence of Jesus. You can visualize many things from the Bible that tells you about the throne of God, or the trees growing by the stream, or the gardens, whatever brings forth to you a vision of being in His presence. Then I fill in the picture. Sometimes I add the Tabernacle from Exodus, or the cross, or a waterfall and butterflies and birds. Once the picture is complete and I am really visualizing, I can have my conversation with Jesus. I try not to do all the talking... :) That part is really hard! Many times verses will come to my mind that speak to struggles I am currently having. Sometimes I spend the rest of the time pondering the names of God and of Jesus and sometimes it's just a sense of peace that comes.

Because of my travel schedule, I have not read Chapter 8 yet, but I will and will post more when I do.

Bless you all! I am learning so much from each of you.

- Karen

Lynn - JnL4God said...

I too have learned I'm in a better place than I once thought. I think that's a trick of the devil to keep us from going farther is to tell us we are in bad shape. It was amazing when I figured out that all these people I thought knew way more than I did about the Bible and Jesus, really didn't. It actually gave me that boost to keep going and learn more.
I like your little button with the pen.
We are having a great vacation. Temp is 90-110 F. More family will come in on Sunday but Hubby and I have been enjoying time together and His parents.
Love to all
Talk to you soon,

Karen said...

Hi Ladies,

I read the intro and Chapter Eight this weekend. There are many points that I found enlightening. The Spirit and the mind working to help each other was one of these points. I agree that the mind "interprets" the "messages" the Spirit sends. Also, since the mind controls our actions, a strong connection with the Spirit is essential to living a life pleasing to God.

One thing that I struggled with is the whole "praying in tongues" issue. I have never known anyone who prayed in tongues. I know it is listed as a spiritual gift in 1Corinthins 12, but I always assumed that the gift was bestowed on people to divinely be able to communicate in another human language, as at the Pentecost where the apostles began to speak in the language of each member of the crowd (Acts 2:11).

So any of you have any experience with people who pray in spiritual tongues? Have you had any experience with interpretation of a prayer in spiritual tongues? I feel like this is an area I should be educated in so I am not judgmental on the whole issue.



Lynn - JnL4God said...

I do have a prayer language but not the interretation "Yet". It is available for all who believe. It is also something that the devil tries to steal because he knows how powerful it is. I will try to get some reference matieral and do a post that can help everyone in this area - okay?